Kamis, 07 Januari 2016

My Bundle of Joy

Friendship like we drove same ship, we have same purpose.
Yeah, getting happiness.

We often do silly things together :)

We together arrange dream, How we would be?

How we meet for the first time?
First time we meet as collage of Telecommunication Engineer
We meet with different ways each other, but I love it really really love it.
They are like family for me.

Sometimes, I didn't wanna grow up
I didn't wanna lost what I really love

But reality is different, slowly but sure we must choose our ways.
Firstly we choose what we would be for career,
And then finally we meet our soulmate, and marry him
Whatever would we be, I hope that our friendship will never change.

Ok guys, love you from the moon and back and the moon again and back again (loop and loop again, again and again)

You are my bundle of joy, SEE YOU ON TOP

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Kamis, 07 Januari 2016

My Bundle of Joy

Friendship like we drove same ship, we have same purpose.
Yeah, getting happiness.

We often do silly things together :)

We together arrange dream, How we would be?

How we meet for the first time?
First time we meet as collage of Telecommunication Engineer
We meet with different ways each other, but I love it really really love it.
They are like family for me.

Sometimes, I didn't wanna grow up
I didn't wanna lost what I really love

But reality is different, slowly but sure we must choose our ways.
Firstly we choose what we would be for career,
And then finally we meet our soulmate, and marry him
Whatever would we be, I hope that our friendship will never change.

Ok guys, love you from the moon and back and the moon again and back again (loop and loop again, again and again)

You are my bundle of joy, SEE YOU ON TOP

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